Wednesday, April 13, 2011

my New Album's First song

i have started work my First song. Trailer is available on youtube.
Its an pushto Urdu song with fusion music and it is completely a one man performance hope you will like it!
The poetry is in Both languages pushto and Urdu as well.
For more info join my on you tube 
ID is :

Sunday, December 26, 2010


My full Name is WAQAS KHAN, Belongs to kota Swat Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa Pakistan. Besides My studies (BS from Muhammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad) I took intrest in Guitar, So i started learning guitar regularly and it wasn't so difficult for me. Now i can play a lot of songs in Guitar.I HAVE INVENTED SOME RHYTHMS WHICH IS NOT STILL USED IN THE WORLD OF MUSIC. Afters this i want to make my own song, For this i m working my best. IF GOD WELL it will be a releases after some time.
Have a NICE day!